OFF THE BÉTON TRACK News from the concrete community
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Interview with Barnabas Calder:
Barnabas Calder (Raw Concrete: The Beauty of Brutalism) now, in Architecture: From Prehistory to Climate Emergency? has written an aeon spanning architectural history that encompasses architecture’s role in causing and solving the crisis
24th July 2021

Remembering Gottfried Böhm whose 100th birthday was celebrated in 2020 with the exhibition: The Concrete Cathedral of Neviges.
29th September 2020

Urbex: The Accidental Obsession of Modern Architecture Lovers |Why is Notre-Dame the latest subject for Urbex?
20th April 2019

Jo’s Art History Podcast with Greyscape | The Barbican Living in an Architectural Experiment
1st June 2021

Negozio Olivetti by Carlo Scarpa: Adriano Olivetti a man with a vision who worked to ensure that it was hardwired into his company.
26th March 2021