Uno Åhrén
Stockholm born architect, writer, an academic and urban planner.
Pioneer of Swedish Functionist architecture and Swedish housing design.
Professor of Urban Building.
Contributor to the Swedish Home Exhibition 1917.
Graduated from TU Stockholm 1918.
Contributed to the tri-centennial celebration of the founding of Gottenburg, the Jubileumsutställningen 1923.
Part of Estrid Erickson’s famed design company, Svensk Tenn 1927-31.
Paris exposition 1925 Gold Medal winner.
Worked with Sven Markelius KTH Garage Stockholm 1928-30.
Designed Flammen Cinema Stockholm in the International Style, 1930.
An architect of the Stockholm Exhibition 1930 – showcasing emerging housing styles.

Stockholm International Exhibition Poster with Winged-V logo Image Anita Christiansen CC BY SA 3.0
1931 Terraced housing in North Ångyby, Sweden.
Ford Motor Company Sweden 1930.
City Planner Skår, Gothenburg.
City planner for Gottenburg 1932-1943.
Company Manager and Chief Architect of Riksbyggen, National cooperative, tenant-owned house building association 1943-1945.
Creator of the Arsta Centre, an early example of a community centre.
1947 Editor of PLAN magazine.
Professor of Urban Studies Stockholm RIT 1947-63.
Credited as a pioneer of Swedish housing.
Uno Åhrén: 1897-1977