Ron Arad

Steel and curves


24th April 2018
By greyscape
18th February 2018
By greyscape

Kenzo Tange

Said to have created one of the most beautiful buildings of the 20th Century


12th February 2018
By greyscape
czech architecture

Josef Chochol

3rd January 2018
By greyscape
9th December 2017
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9th December 2017
By greyscape
9th December 2017
By greyscape
9th December 2017
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9th December 2017
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Semyon Pen

9th December 2017
By greyscape
9th December 2017
By greyscape
9th December 2017
By greyscape
9th December 2017
By greyscape
9th December 2017
By greyscape
6th December 2017
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Harry Seidler, the man who shaped Australian Modernism


6th December 2017
By greyscape
6th December 2017
By greyscape
6th December 2017
By greyscape
6th December 2017
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16th November 2017
By greyscape
16th November 2017
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Berthold Lubetkin

16th November 2017
By greyscape

De La Warr Pavillion


13th November 2017
By greyscape
Alison and Peter Smithson

Alison and Peter Smithson

A-Z Lexicon of Architecture and Design

13th November 2017
By greyscape

Gerard Grandval

13th November 2017
By greyscape

Fernsehturm Television Tower

13th November 2017
By greyscape
9th November 2017
By greyscape

Frank Gehry dreams and creates we watch and appreciate in awe.

1st November 2017
By greyscape
24th October 2017
By greyscape
24th October 2017
By greyscape

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24th October 2017
By greyscape
24th October 2017
By greyscape
24th October 2017
By greyscape
falkenberg garden city Taut

The German Architect Who Said

‘Colour is the Joy of Life’

24th October 2017
By greyscape
24th October 2017
By greyscape
24th October 2017
By greyscape
24th October 2017
By greyscape

Alison Smithson

Greyscape A-Z Lexicon of Architecture

24th October 2017
By greyscape
24th October 2017
By greyscape

Carlo Scarpa

24th October 2017
By greyscape
24th October 2017
By greyscape

Kevin Roche, the Irish-born American modernist architect, Pritzker Prize-winning architect whose first commission was a piggery in Ireland

24th October 2017
By greyscape
24th October 2017
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Antoine Pevsner, Constructivist: A lifetime of experimentation

24th October 2017
By greyscape
24th October 2017
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oscar niemeyer architect

Oscar Niemeyer

“the concrete poet”

24th October 2017
By greyscape

Richard Neutra; A career that spanned the Hapsburg Empire to Hollywood

24th October 2017
By greyscape
24th October 2017
By greyscape

Swiss Architect, 1889-1954

Bauhaus Director (preceded by Walter Gropius and followed by Mies van der Rohe and its first Director of its architecture programme.

24th October 2017
By greyscape
24th October 2017
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einstein tower renovated

Erich Mendelsohn, Architect and Modernist


24th October 2017
By greyscape
Melnikov Bakhmetevsky bus garage in Moscow Constructivist architecture

Konstantin Melnikov

24th October 2017
By greyscape
Villa Noailles, Hyères, France
24th October 2017
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Robert Maillart

24th October 2017
By greyscape
24th October 2017
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24th October 2017
By greyscape

Adolf Loos

‘Be not afraid of being called un-fashionable’.

24th October 2017
By greyscape
Frank LLoyd Wright Modernist Interior view of Guggenheim Museum NYC

Frank Lloyd Wright


24th October 2017
By greyscape
A rectilinear honeycomb, Chandigarh's High Court ©Edmund Sumner

Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, known as Le Corbusier

24th October 2017
By greyscape
Concrete roof John Lautner Sheats Goldstein House

John Lautner

24th October 2017
By greyscape
24th October 2017
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Lazar Khidekel

24th October 2017
By greyscape
24th October 2017
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24th October 2017
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24th October 2017
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A rectilinear honeycomb, Chandigarh's High Court ©Edmund Sumner

Pierre Jeanneret

24th October 2017
By greyscape

Marcel Janco

24th October 2017
By greyscape

Arne Jacobsen

24th October 2017
By greyscape

Boris Iofan

24th October 2017
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24th October 2017
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24th October 2017
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24th October 2017
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Walter Gropius

The ultimate goal of all art is the building.

24th October 2017
By greyscape
24th October 2017
By greyscape
24th October 2017
By greyscape
goldfinger with astrakan hat on in front of brutalist Trellick

Erno Goldfinger

Architect, furniture and toy designer who hung out with Man Ray in Paris

Lexicon A-Z of Architecture

24th October 2017
By greyscape
Moisei Ginzburg family archive
24th October 2017
By greyscape
24th October 2017
By greyscape

R Buckminster Fuller

24th October 2017
By greyscape

Josef Frank

The Austrian who was one of ‘Sweden’s most important designers’

24th October 2017
By greyscape

Kay Fisker

24th October 2017
By greyscape
24th October 2017
By greyscape

El Lissitzky

Creator of the word Prouns  ‘the station where one changes from painting to architecture.”


24th October 2017
By greyscape
einstein tower renovated

Der Ring

24th October 2017
By greyscape
24th October 2017
By greyscape

Wells Coates

The Canadian Modernist who shaped British Modernism

24th October 2017
By greyscape
24th October 2017
By greyscape
Architect Yacov Chernikhov

Yakov Chernikhov

24th October 2017
By greyscape
black and whte photo of serge chermayeff in a shirt and tie holding a cigarette

Serge Chermayeff


24th October 2017
By greyscape

Ilya Chashnik Suprematist

24th October 2017
By greyscape

Marcel Breuer

‘Modern architecture is not a style, it’s an attitude.’




24th October 2017
By greyscape

Mario Botta

‘Architecture transforms a state of nature to a state of culture’

24th October 2017
By greyscape
church of neviges with scaffolding

Gottfried Böhm

24th October 2017
By greyscape

Bauhaus Century

24th October 2017
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Otto Bartning

24th October 2017
By greyscape
Architect John Bancroft

John Bancroft

24th October 2017
By greyscape
Naoshima Island Japan Tadao Ando Benesse House Museum
24th October 2017
By greyscape

Gregory Ain,

The man described by J Edgar Hoover as ‘the most dangerous architect in America’, Pittsburgh born, lived, worked and died in Los Angeles.

10th July 2017
By greyscape